Saturday, June 27, 2015

Cycling between Southhampton and Bournemouth 56.5 kms

Hotel last night was very basic with single bed and shared bathroom. It was a pub really with accommodation and slightly noisy til closing time. Tired so slept well.

Today was tough!! Started OK with nice boat ride out of Southampton across to Hyde. There is a little train in Hyde which carries you down the long pier. Could have ridden on bike but hadn't unfolded the Brompton so gave it a go.

Got to the start of the New Forest and then things started to go wrong. First the wind was very strong across the tops and directly head on. Then my gps completely died. Wasn't the battery and I could not restart it. Got lost completely. Ended up going in circles on the forest tracks. luckily a Saturday so lots of trampers to ask. The CTC bike map was inadequate. My phone map was just for roads so no indication of forest tracks. I ended up on very rough bridal tracks so the Brompton wheels got bogged down in the mud.
Lots of New forest ponies around, in fact I had to go through a herd of them as they were hiding under a railway bridge to get out of the sun. 
Reached Brockenhurst and civilization so decided to go via the roads rather than risk going through more forest tracks. Once out of the New Forest things got better although tricky navigation getting into Bournemouth. 

Once I found I could cycle along the beach front made it a lot easier. A rather typical Day at the beach with huge crowds on Bournemouth waterfront.

Deserved a beer and pizza after a nice shower. The hotel is a lot better than last night.
Hope tomorrow, the last day goes better. I can see a new Garmin being needed!

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